MediaPipe in TouchDesigner 10

This is the last part of the series, using MediaPipe in TouchDesigner. The following example is a continuation of the last post of pose tracking. This version will use a Script CHOP to output the position information of the torso tracked in the film sequence. The output window will display four numbers (11, 12, 23, 24) on the four corners of the torso. The four numbers are the indices of the pose landmarks corresponding to the torso of the body.

The Script CHOP will output 3 channels

  • pose:x
  • pose:y
  • pose:visibility

Each channel has 33 samples, corresponding to the 33 pose landmarks. The visibility channel will indicate how likely the landmark is visible in the image. The following code segment describes how it is done.

xpos = []
ypos = []
visb = []

if results.pose_landmarks:
    for p in results.pose_landmarks.landmark:

    tx = scriptOp.appendChan('pose:x')         
    ty = scriptOp.appendChan('pose:y')         
    tv = scriptOp.appendChan('pose:visibility')
    tx.vals = xpos         
    ty.vals = ypos         
    tv.vals = visb
    scriptOp.rate = me.time.rate         
    scriptOp.numSamples = len(xpos)

The final TouchDesigner project folder MediaPipePoseCHOP is now available in the GitHub repository.