OpenPose in Processing and OpenCV (DNN)

This is the 2nd test of the OpenCV dnn module in Processing through my CVImage library. It used the OpenPose pre-trained Caffe model.

Since the OpenCV dnn module can read the Caffe model through the readNetFromCaffe() function, the demo sends the real time webcam image to the model for human pose detection. It made use of the configuration file openpose_pose_coco.prototxt and the saved model pose_iter_440000.caffemodel. The original reference of the demo is from the openpose.cpp official OpenCV sample and the Java implementation fromĀ  the GitHub of berak. You can download the model details below

The description of the OpenPose output can be found in their official GitHub site. The figure below is the posture information I used in my demo.

Again, the source code is maintained in my Magicandlove repositories of my GitHub. You can download from here.